The Tall Guy – Episode 102

We deep-dive into The Tall Guy. This wonderful film with Jeff Goldblum and Emma Thompson is a riotous ride out of the ‘80s into a new era. A UK movie filmed during the actor’s strike in the US, this film celebrates the silliness of 80’s romance comedy films – before the dreaded word RomCom came out – brilliantly, and heralds in a new era that would lead to Love Actually, Notting Hill, and more. Another festival of lessons on a simple, fun story, but more importantly it has classic examples of how to bring background characters to life, even if only with a single line.

The Tall Guy is hard to find. It is not offered on any streaming/digital service that we can find. Physical DVDs have only been round on Ebay for extraordinarily high prices.


Repo: The Genetic Opera – Episode 101

This one comes from Dani’s vault. We cut deep into Repo: The Genetic Opera. This rock-opera has it all. Gore, out of this world performances, dark and twisted civilization, and so much more. We have seen this many, many times (Dani far more than Jim), and it just gets better every time. We talk about the mastery involved in this film, the killer songs, music, singing, performances, and just how hard a rock-opera is to make. We also discuss why this should be a much, much bigger cult classic.

Repo: The Genetic Opera can be found on Tubi.


Movies That Shaped Or Moved Us – Episode 100

For our 100th episode we bring in our daughter Lily and we all talk about films that moved us and shaped us through our lives. We celebrate this milestone by talking about the films that got us to where we are, why they are important, and share thoughts. We also have some surprise guests sounding off on movies that inspired, moved, or motivated them. This was a fantastically fun episode to record. We hope you listen and remember your own films of inspiration, either creatively or in your personal life.

So many movies, so little time.


Dark Star – Episode 099

Another long-time in the vault choice, we dive into John Carpenter’s Dark Star. This 1974 gem is another favorite that has so many wonderful stories to it. Pre-Star Wars sci-fi cinema, Dark Star gives us an ultra-low budget effects bonanza with comedy and psychedelic musings. One of the great lessons learned from this film is that the most mundane of projects can lead to powerful, cinema-changing works down the road. Also discussed is how the movie you start can become something entirely different at the end.

Dark Star can be found on Tubi.


R100 – Episode 098

Another first for the show. We dive into a subtitled movie, R100, and we are not sorry for it. We watched this movie for pure entertainment, and decided we absolutely needed to do this for the show. A Japanese movie that got little to no love in theaters, R100 brings us into the world of a man who seeks pleasure with a Dominatrix club. That sentence doesn’t do this movie justice. It is fun, wild, and mind-blowing at the end, and full of fantastic lessons.

R100 can be found on Tubi and Hulu.


Interview with David Howard Thornton – Episode 097

We have David Howard Thornton on the show! You know him as Art the Clown from Terrifier, and the Joker on Nightwing. Unlike either of those characters, David is a splendidly wonderful man who is an absolute delight to speak with. Please join us as we talk about his career, life in New York City, a little bit about the upcoming Terrifier 2, and a political segway. You can’t help but smile when talking to David. Come dive in!

Check out David’s work:FaceBook: David Howard ThorntonInstagram: @davidhowardthorntonCameo: @davidhthornton

Terrifier can be found on Tubi.


This World Won’t Break – Episode 096

This is a first for the show. We found This World Won’t Break and thought its story of artistic struggle would reach all creatives. We could not finish this movie. We made it thirty minutes in and had to call it quits. This episode deals with Slow Burn movies and we talk about some that either started with a slow burn or held the slow burn pace all of the way through, and why those worked. We are not saying this movie is bad, it just did not present anything interesting enough to keep sitting through a 150 minute show. Important lessons and examples on how to grab the audience with big or little pieces of interest, which this movie did not do.

This World Won’t Break can be found on Tubi.


The Station Agent – Episode 095

We dive into The Station Agent. This 2003 piece of brilliance stars Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson, Bobby Cannavale, and is directed by Tom McCarthy. McCarthy’s first foray into directing shows the born talent of this filmmaker. A human story about three very different people going through some rough moments in life who come together, fall apart, and come together again. One of our all-time favorites, this film has powerful lessons in writing, dialogue, humanizing characters, direction, acting, and so much more. Underrated and virtually unknown, The Station Agent is a fine craft masterpiece of filmmaking.

The Station Agent can be found in iTunes.


The Perfect Host – Episode 094

David Hyde Pierce gives us a dinner party like no other. This movie, with a brilliantly misleading trailer, gives surprises, humor, and a lot of WTF moments. Dive into this weird as hell dinner party with us as we talk about masterful editing, subtle comedic performances, and how fun this flick is. There are a lot of hat-tips to older films. This is a film you will want to watch twice just to be sure you caught everything. David Hyde Pierce’s physical comedy moves this over the edge.

The Perfect Host can be found on Tubi.


Terrifier – Episode 093

Who doesn’t love crazy clowns that kill? Terrifier gives us the return of Art the Clown, a silent but thoroughly enjoyable psychopath. Terrifier breaks conventions with some surprising moves, all of which elevate this film into the upper hierarchy of horror. Only in an Indie film will you find such bold moves to balk at standard horror beats. Super simple story pillars set the scene for a massive rebuilding of conventional foundations for horror stories. This movie is as fun as it is brutally gory. Lessons and entertainment for all.

Terrifier can be found on Tubi.


Another Interview with Kyle Hester – Episode 092

After a lot of packing and unpacking, Kyle Hester returns to the show to talk about his projects, pandemic, state of indie film, and future YouTube projects. Listen and catch up on the status of Preacher 6, Zombie with a Shotgun 2, and future plans for The Coop. We are very lucky to know so many positive, energetic people in indie film and Kyle is no exception. If you are in indie film, this is a must listen.

Check Kyles links on link

See Kyle in:The Book of DanielThe ChairZombie with a ShotgunAndersonville


The Lighthouse (2016) – Episode 091

Released in 2016, 2018 in the US, this UK version of The Lighthouse is spectacularly subtle and soul-wrenching. Sticking to old-school storytelling, combined with brilliant acting, direction, and technical precision, we are thrust into the hellish 1801 storm that spawned this tale. The performances are fantastic, made razor-sharp by the clever pacing of the story. This film is a splendid example of using the tried and true aspects of filmmaking and story crafting to produce an engaging and subversive story.

The Lighthouse can be found on Amazon Video.


Another Interview with Hilton Ariel Ruiz – Episode 090

We talk once again with Hilton Ariel Ruiz. Creator of Zombie with a Shotgun, Klanz Rules, director of several excellent documentaries, this man is an unbridled force in indie film. We talk about how this past year has affected him, his Patreon page to get the sequel to Zombie with a Shotgun into production, and nerd out over cameras and, yes folks, Frankenhooker. That’s a real movie people, trust us. Very inspirational talk with a very inspirational man. Check the links below to see Hilton’s work and support his Patreon!

Hilton’s YouTube

Hilton’s Patreon Page

Hilton’s linktree

Zombie with a Shotgun can be found on TubiKlanz Rules can be found on Tubi6/6/66 web series can be found on Amazon Video


Another Interview with Failureboys Productions – Episode 089

Returning to the show are Pete Marcy, Joe Marcy, Chris Marcy, and Adam Anderson of Failureboys Productions. We talk about the re-release of Firefly and some excellent behind the scenes stories. Talented filmmakers and just great guys in general, we have a lot of fun talking filmmaking, festivals, and more. Come listen to these wonderful guests get gritty on how indie film can be taxing on the spirit.

Catch Firefly and Attack of the Tattie Bogle on Amazon Video.


Eat Locals – Episode 088

We dive into the UK film Eat Locals. Jam packed with big names, this vampire horror/comedy delivers on a great many levels. We had a lot of fun watching it the first time, and just as much fun watching it for the episode. A fairly low budget is maximized with a large single location, vampire effects that are done when needed and not overplayed, and a take on vampires that is fresh but familiar. We talk about the benefits of having a group of actors who have a long history of working together, and a brilliant first-time out for Jason Flemyng.

Eat Locals can be found on Amazon Video.


Firefly – Episode 087

It’s a new release of an older film. Firefly hails from 2005, from our friends at Failureboys Productions. This version has been remastered in 5.1 surround, and it’s fantastic. This is a solid wrap-around plot that comes together magnificently towards the end. There are a lot of layers here, and a lot of character building. When it was over we both felt good for having watched it. Pete Marcy shows that early on he had a solid style and grasp on storytelling. Direction in this movie is just one great aspect. A micro-budget that sails with the big boys, Firefly proves you don’t need money to make good film.

Firefly can be found on Amazon Video.


The Toxic Avenger – Episode 086

It’s been a long time on the list, but we finally get to The Toxic Avenger. A foundation cult-classic with a loyal following, this movie birthed the Tromaverse. A solid B-movie, there are great lessons on simplified story, creating a unique hook, and some examples of what was acceptable in film 30 years ago that would not work well today. With differing opinions on its merits, we have a great conversation with some interesting tangents.

The Toxic Avenger can be found on YouTube.


Absentia – Episode 085

It’s another random find in the sea of films, but a well-liked find. It’s Absentia, a film written and directed by Mike Flanagan, who you may know as the director of Doctor Sleep. There are a lot of great things in here we talk about. A straight-up horror, it is a little before its time. We have loudly exclaimed our disdain for jump-scare reliant films, but this 2011 movie takes jump-scares in a different direction. There are some story issues, which we cover, but overall this is a great set of lessons and an excellent watch.

Absentia can be found on Amazon Video.


Rubber – Episode 084

Another long-time on the list favorite, Rubber proves that the most ridiculous, obscure hook can work and work well. Years ago we thought this would be a laughable junk film for bad-movie-night, but we were wrong. This movie is fun, beautifully shot, excellent practical effects, and a masterclass of lessons for everyone. We have a lot of fun talking about this film and its lessons. It’s a killer tire, people. Listen to this episode. Watch this movie. Now.

Rubber can be found on Tubi.


Interview with Terry McFadden – Episode 083

We have for the first time a script doctor on the show. Terry McFadden is a long-working script doctor who has worked as a script analyst for production companies and studios since 1998. A genuinely wonderful man, Terry talks about the important aspects of scripts for features and television, what he looks for, and has some great advice on where stories commonly fall short in script form. We loved listening to him and look forward to a future chat. This is a must for all writers. Terry’s links are below, be sure to check them all out. Dive in writers!



Trollhunter – Episode 082

A Norwegian film that has long been on our list, Trollhunter is a great movie with surprising special effects. The recent release of the English dubbed version made it possible to watch and review for the show. Troll lore is taken to a new height, and the lessons of simple story mixed with little-used folklore make for some great lessons. We even get into some local folklore, though it’s not about trolls.

Trollhunter English dubbed version can be found on Tubi. The original Trollhunter can be found on Amazon Video.


Bunnyman Grindhouse Edition – Episode 081

How can you pass up something called Bunnyman Grindhouse Edition? We couldn’t. A re-release of Bunnyman, this indie horror has had a Grindhouse treatment. The original Bunnyman looked to be a fun ride, but the re-edit of it to make this version transitioned from fun to perplexing, then to distracting. The core story is still a fun backwoods killer romp, and there are some lessons we each point out. Not the least of which is if you have characters in a terrible situation, have them actually do something rather than sit in a car for hours doing nothing.

Bunnyman Grindhouse Edition can be found on Amazon Video.


Interview with Cast and Crew of Revenge of Zoe – Episode 080

Folks! This is a wonderful, jam-packed episode. We have Eric Schumacher, Nathan Campbell, Bradford Trojan, Marty Ketola, Clif Campbell, and Geoff Notkin, all from Revenge of Zoe! This was such an amazing talk, with some truly wonderful and fantastic people. We laugh, we cry, we pray for Nathan as his connection warbles. Join us for this odyssey into creative brilliance, nerd-dom, and some solid lessons for creatives. Also make sure you check the links below to see what these giants of indie film are doing!

Revenge of Zoe can be found on Tubi.

Links to the gods:

Eric SchumacherSeelie Studios: www.seeliestudios.comIMDB: In:

Clif CampbellPondo Enterprises Facebook:

Nathan CampbellIMDB:

Marty KetolaIMDB: Enterprises Facebook:

Bradford TrojanIMDB:

Geoffrey NotkinDesert Owl Productions Facebook: Men: http://meteoritemen.comGeoff’s website:


Revenge of Zoe – Episode 079

Revenge of Zoe is a micro-budget film from 2018 that is a must see. A self-proclaimed “Nerd Comedy” that pays tribute to the 80s nerd films, this movie takes us on a fun ride through the lives of two comic store owners, an alcohol and drug addled writer, and imaginary or hallucinatory friends as they navigate the ominous task of writing a sequel to a successful comic adaptation. This movie proves you don’t need big budgets to make a fun, relatable film. Great performances, not the last of which is from our good friend of the show, Eric Schumacher. It’s one of those movies that gets us into some tangental conversations, all attributed to the context of this fun film.

Revenge of Zoe can be found on Tubi.


Interview with Michael Matteo Rossi – Episode 078

With Dani not fully recovered, Jim speaks with director/producer Michael Matteo Rossi, who’s film Chase we covered last week. Jim and Michael talk about the movie, the pandemic, the importance of using social media a platform for encouragement, and so much more. Listen to this fantastic talk with a truly wonderful man, and be sure to check the links below.

Links to Michael’s presence and films:


Chase – Episode 077

Chase was brought to our attention by its director, Michael Matteo Rossi. We’re glad for it. Starring Damien Puckler, yes indeed, we follow a hit man who is torn between two lives. A low-budget indie film, Chase brings some excellent emotional struggle as well as great overall lessons on filmmaking. Rossi shot this in just 18 days, commendable if not amazing.

Chase can be found on Amazon Video.


Space Captain: Captain of Space – Episode 076

Our daughter Lily sits in for Dani, who is out sick, to talk about Space Captain: Captain of Space. This sci-fi comedy is a wonderful salute to the throwback serials of the 1930’s, like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. It doesn’t stop there, the connections and spoofs span decades of sci-fi schlock movies as well. Starting out as a multi-media play, and later turned into a feature, this movie is fun for everyone. Solid performances, loads of puns and one-liners, it excels in lessons of making the most of a micro-budget. Scenery, costumes, effects, they are all wonderful. This was a delightful watch with fun lessons.

Space Captain: Captain of Space can be found on Amazon Video.


Lost in Translation – Episode 075

One of Jim’s all-time favorites, Lost in Translation. Filmmaker Sophia Coppola blows the lid off of traditional filmmaking with this brilliant movie. Beautifully shot and paced this movie brings attention to lessons of tone, characters, and the art of drawing in the audience to share in the emotional state of the story, and the power and art of editing. Another must see film that is coming up on 20 years old.

Lost in Translation can be found on Amazon Video and iTunes.


Chopping Mall – Episode 074

We all know it, and we finally made it down the list to Chopping Mall. This standard 80’s horror film has some mixed lessons, to-do’s and not-to-do’s. We have rampant Casio music, character naming issues, but it’s all forgiven for exploding heads and some wicked remote control robots that just tear it up. Also, this is one of the finest accidental documentaries on mall life in the 80’s. Yeah, that’s right.

Chopping Mall can be found on Amazon Video.


Zombeavers – Episode 073

This movie is ridiculous in a fantastic way. Zombeavers gives us an old-fashioned animals gone wild situation mixed with our favorite genre; Zombies. There is no mistaking that this is a campy film, riddled with bad puns, obnoxious characters, stuffed beaver zombies, and it does it all gloriously. Another technically sound film, Zombeavers brings it and delivers with fun. Excellent lessons on effects budget placement, and leaning in to the goofiness of the story for maximum results and enjoyment.

Zombeavers can be found on Hulu.


Piranha – Episode 072

Another Cult Classic, the 1978 Piranha. It can be fun under the right circumstances, but the lessons from this film are based on its failure to follow them. Characters need to be interesting. The A, B, C stories need to line up. Dialogue has to serve a purpose, even on a rudimentary level. Piranha has none of this, so you can see firsthand what a movie that lacks all of the basics looks like. Still, it’s a good background film or a time burner. Surprising, with names like Joe Dante and Roger Corman, not everything can be a winner.

Piranha can be found on Tubi.


Save Yourselves – Episode 071

Another random find, and a fun/funny one at that. Save Yourselves is a great indie film that places a ‘modern’ couple, who spend their time buried in their phones and laptops, in an end-of-world scenario. An indictment of modern social media lifestyle and screen dependency, this humorous survival against aliens story has the most fantastic lessons of character development we have seen in some time.

Save Yourselves can be found on Hulu.


Interview with Alisdair Cook – Episode 070

We talk with Alisdair Cook, who wrote the book that one of the main characters from Redwood Massacre: Annihilation wrote. Sounds strange, but it’s wonderful. This is a fantastic example of taking something from a film and giving it its own life. We talk about writing the book and some juicy bits of upcoming projects in the Redwood Massacre universe.

Alisdair’s book, Redwood Massacre: The Untold Story, can be found on Amazon. And while you’re at it, check our episodes on Redwood Massacre, Redwood Massacre: Annihilation, our interviews with David Ryan Keith, Liam Matheson, and watch/buy these damn good films.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space – Episode 069

It was fun then, and it’s still fun now. The 1988 Killer Klowns from Outer Space is a cult classic. For good reason. This horror-comedy brings clowns to the screen in a hilariously unique fashion. Pure B-movie fun this movie has some fantastic lessons on bringing the ridiculous to life. You won’t find Oscar performances here, or an award winning story, but you will find some of the best practical effects from 1988. And, Little Klown. Little Klown don’t f$%! around.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space can be found on Amazon Video.


Interview with Julia Marchese and Teri Gamble – Episode 068

It’s not an interview, it’s a great discussion between four cinephiles. Join us as we talk with two fantastic women, Julia Marchese and Teri Gamble. Co-hosts of The Horror Movie Survival Guide, actors, movie lovers, and Julia directed the incredible documentary Out of Print. What makes all of this writing, directing, producing, filmmaking in general, is the love of film by people. In this episode, we have just that.

Check out Julia’s stuff

Check out Teri’s stuff


Uncle Brian – Episode 067

We found this excellent gem from 2010 and had to talk about it. Uncle Brian, written and directed by Nick McAnulty, is a gritty look at real life with a cornucopia of messed up people. The writing, direction, and acting have magnificent lessons for all. This is the kind of film Hollywood would not have the balls to do, but Nick did.

Uncle Brian can be found on Amazon Video.


Mystery Alaska – Episode 066

We visit Mystery Alaska, one of only two films by television producer and writer David E. Kelley. Set with an A-film budget, Mystery Alaska fell sharply into B-movie treatment, and fell even lower. This fun, feel good film has a lot of lessons on fast pacing, quick dialog, and building characters without mounds of unnecessary backstory.

Mystery Alaska can be found on Amazon Video, iTunes, and DVD.


Scare Me – Episode 065

This was a great find. Scare Me, released in October of 2020, directed and written by Josh Ruben, was a delightful watch. The movie itself hits on so many things about writing, story crafting, and collaboration it is its own bundle of lessons. This indie film is a fantastic example of small cast, single location, and some old-school techniques for delivering an entertaining story with full-fledged characters. This is a must see for all creatives, this is another master-class of filmmaking and writing.

Scare Me can be found on Shudder and iTunes for rent or purchase. Make sure you purchase it.


Full Dive of Redwood Massacre: Annihilation – Episode 064

When we first covered Redwood Massacre: Annihilation it was a pre-release screener. We could only do a light surface analysis, but now we do a full dive into this excellent horror film. Written and directed by David Ryan Keith, we jump ten years after the first film and pick up on Burlap’s reign of terror. Starring Danielle Harris, Damien Puckler, Gary Casper, Tevy Poe, and Jon Campling, this fun flick gives us great examples of direction, cinematography, acting, and the best damn killer of all time; Burlap.

Redwood Massacre: Annihilation can be found on iTunes, Wal Mart, Amazon Video.


William Castle Retrospective – Episode 063

We end the year covering the works of an amazing B-movie director and producer. The works of William Castle are overshadowed only by his outrageous PR stunts. Castle set the bar for marketing B horror films, had a rivalry with Alfred Hitchcock, adored Vincent Price, and was a prolific movie maker. Join us as we talk about this amazing man, his fantastic films, and how his life and his body of work are a masterclass for any creative.

William Castle’s movies can be found on iTunes, Tubi, Amazon Video, and in stores.


All Through The House – Episode 062

What better way to celebrate the holiday than a Christmas Slasher film? All Through the House is a wonderful little Santa-slasher that gives us some great, bloody fun. It also suffers from an irrelevant storyline that nearly takes the fun out of watching, which we get into with some detail.

All Through the House can be found on Amazon Video.


Gentlemen Broncos – Episode 061

Gentlemen Broncos is a marvelous, heavily underrated film by Jared Hess that we’ve mentioned several times on previous episodes. Now we finally give it the dissection it deserves. This incredible soft-spoken film has so many terrific lessons on filmmaking, character development, story, and the all important soundtrack selection. This is a must-see movie, and one you should own.

Gentlemen Broncos can be found on iTunes and Prime Video.


Dolemite – Episode 060

It’s not a great movie, but it is an important one. We dissect Dolemite, a Rudy Ray Moore film that has earnest heart and a fixed place in history. This 1975 film has inspired many filmmakers and is an important historic voice on Black cinema. Join us in the wayback machine to visit 1975’s indie film about a streetwise pimp.

You can find Dolemite on Amazon Video.


Interview with Sylas Dall and Mary Madaline Roe – Episode 059

We get to talk to director Sylas Dall and star Mary Madaline Roe of They Reach. Another fantastic and fun interview. We get into some great talk about filmmaking, the artistry behind giving the audience a visual feel, and how Mary Madaline handled her first go on a banana-seat bike. Two great people involved in a great film. Join us for some fun, and for a look into a very passionate project.

They Reach can be found on iTunes, Fandango, Vudu, Google Play, Amazon Video


They Reach – Episode 058

They Reach is a fantastic first feature by Sylas Dall. A retro horror in the vein of E.T., Goonies, Monster Squad, this movie hits all the marks. With fantastic young stars, superb direction, and a wonderfully fun and creepy story, this is another movie that has lessons on doing everything right.

They Reach can be found on iTunes, Fandango, Vudu, Google Play, Amazon Video


Cockneys vs. Zombies – Episode 057

We finally get to Cockneys vs Zombies, a wonderfully fun film by Matthias Hoene. Aside from all of the fun of joining some East Enders dealing with a zombie outbreak, there are some spectacular lessons to glean from this movie. It’s a fast-paced ride of laughs and a masterclass all at the same time.

Cockneys vs Zombies can be found on Amazon Video and iTunes.


Invasion Planet Earth – Episode 056

Story is everything, and Invasion Planet Earth is deeply lacking in that department. From a misleading logline to a rambling, almost indecipherable plot, this ambitious indie film falls flat on so many levels. But, with every failure comes lessons, and there are quite a few lessons to be had here. Not everything was terrible, but when story execution fails, nothing else can save a movie.

Invasion Planet Earth can be found on Amazon Video.


The Beast – Episode 055

Set in the Afghanistan versus Russia war in the early 80’s, The Beast is a fast-moving film about a Russian tank on the run from Afghan rebels. Starring Jason Patric, it delivers some compelling food for thought as well as some fast-paced storytelling. We talk about how the story itself can be the main character, and some nearly forgotten choices in writing.

The Beast can be found on Amazon Video.


Fried Barry spoiler-free – Episode 054

We’ve talked to Ryan Kruger, and now we do a spoiler-free dissection of his amazing film Fried Barry. This thing has been killing it at festivals around the world, and for good reason. Not scheduled for public release until January 2021, we talk about the technical brilliance that Ryan has brought and why you need to see this movie. This is a future Criterion Collection nominee.

Fried Barry is showing at festivals around the world. Also check out for information.


Tucky Williams Interview Take Two – Episode 053

We are graced with returning guest Tucky Williams as we talk about Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest, her latest venture to make it to Amazon. Even though she was sick and chose to go through with the interview, Tucky brings her grace and poise in top form. We talk again about making films, the struggles indie filmmakers run into, and some overall fun.

You can find Dagger Kiss: Enchanted Forest on Amazon Video.
