
We are Jim and Dani Hoey, lifelong film aficionados and have been screenwriting together for 10+ years. We wrote and wrote and wrote, revised, rewrote, polished, printed, sat on our couch with our laptops and screen-shared and debated about wording and everything that goes with it. It was (and still is) wonderful.

Over the years our scripts have caught the attention of producers, agents, managers, and we have been so very close to racking up a deal a number of times. The obstacle we would face was the same phrase; “We (I) love this, but you’re unknowns and we (I) won’t be able to get this off of the table. Turn it into some other kind of IP and gain an audience, then call us (me) back.”

We’re tired of waiting for the callback, waiting for the option and decided to take things into our own hands. So we founded Lords of Misrule Productions with the mission of making our projects a reality.

We dipped our toes in the entertainment pool by hosting and producing 138 episodes of the Bravo for the B-Side podcast, interviewing a number of incredible directors, writers, and actors along the way. We made lots of friends in the indie world and treasure those relationships.

During quarantine we shot a short film in our apartment, Quarantine Rex©, which is currently in post production.

Then we started BF McGillicutty, a web series about an eccentric alien who finds lots of things we silly humans do baffling, and wants to talk (or rant) all about them.

Our next step is film production. We’re going to make our own IP. We’re starting with short films and working our way up to getting one of our feature scripts into production. It is our mission to see our work come to life on our favorite medium, the screen cinematique.