
Bravo for the B-Side

B movies are what we love at Bravo for the B-side. Here we dissect B movies and Indie films, from the earnest efforts and studio-level quality films to the camcorder-based, utter amateur movies. After a beat by beat dissection of the movie we talk about what lesson(s) could be learned for beginning writers, directors, producers, actors, etc… We believe all films have a lesson. We also have interviews with some fantastic Indie and B-movie directors, actors, producers, writers.

New Episode coming 8/18! Episodes can now be found on our Podcast page and Patreon and YouTube.

Quarantine Rex

During the pandemic quarantine we took some time to imagine how other species would have reacted to the lockdown. A surviving T-rex is documented trying to get through the day trapped in her apartment. Currently in post-production.

Quarantine Rex short film

Observations of Earth with B.F. McGillicutty

Webseries. Observations of Earth with B.F. McGillicutty is about an alien who stumbled across Earth and did some observing. Now, compelled to talk about the things he has seen, B.F. is reaching out to the people of Earth with his observations and thoughts. He has some questions as well from time to time about current and past events.

Satirical, editorial commentary on all things Earth. Find the series on YouTube.

Truth in Stone

Our funding campaign was not getting traction so we have shelved the Truth in Stone short film. We will be pivoting to another project, but hopefully we will return to this one soon.

Truth in Stone Short Film Campaign